Ήλεκτρονικό περιοδικό αρχαίας έλληνικης έπιγραφικής, τοπογραφίας καί ιστορίας

Τεύχος - Περιεχόμενα




Ἐπιγραφὲς  Πάρου


Περίληψη Άρθρου:

G. K. Papadopoulos, Inscriptions from Paros

In this article five inscriptions from Paros are published. The publication is part of the project undertaken by the Greek Epigraphic Society for the creation of a catalogue of the inscriptions kept in the Museum of Paros. Of the five inscriptions three are funerary monuments from Paroikia: one belonging to the Archaic Period, another which is an epigram in iambic trimeter of the first half of the 5th c. B.C., and the third funerary monument is that of Eidokritos and his family dated to the 4th c. B.C. The fourth inscription published in this article is a 5th c. B.C. boundary stone of the sanctuary of Zeus Kataibates whose cult is well known on Paros. The fifth inscription is a dedication to Asklepios and Hygeia of the 2nd/1st c. B.C. which was found on Antiparos in secondary use.


Ἐπιγραφὲς  Πάρου - PDF
Σελ.: 17-26